"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known".
Carl Sagan
[27] B. Li, C. Wu, M. Wang, K. Charan, and C. Xu, “An adaptive excitation source for high speed multiphoton microscopy,” Nature Methods, vol. 17, pp. 163-166, 2020. (Download PDF) (Paper link)
[26] B. Li, "Reduction of the illumination power for high-speed multiphoton microscopy", Springer Nature, 2019. (Paper link)
[25] J. Yan, H. Yu, B. Li, A. Fan, J. Melkonian, X. Wang, T. Zhou, J. Hua, “Cell autonomous and non-autonomous functions of plant intracellular immune receptors in stomatal defense and apoplastic defense,” PLoS pathogens, vol. 15, pp. 1-25, 2019. (Download PDF)
[24] Y. Qin, B. Li, F. Xia, Y. Xia and C. Xu, “Multi-color background-free coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using a time-lens source,” Optics Express, vol. 26, pp. 34474-34483, 2018. (Download PDF)
[23] F. Xia, C. Wu, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, Y. Qin and C. Xu, “In vivo label-free confocal imaging of the deep mouse brain with long-wavelength illumination,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 9, pp. 6545-6555, 2018. (Download PDF)
[22] M. Wang, C. Wu, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, F. Xia and C. Xu, “Comparing the effective attenuation lengths for long wavelength in vivo imaging of the mouse brain,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 9, pp. 3534-3543, 2018. (Download PDF)
[21] B. Li, M. Wang, K. Charan, and C. Xu, “Investigation of the long wavelength limit of soliton self-frequency shift in a silica fiber,” Optics Express, vol. 26, pp. 19637-19647, 2018. (Download PDF)
[20] K. Charan, B. Li, M. Wang, C. P. Lin and C. Xu, “Fiber-based tunable repetition rate source for deep tissue two-photon fluorescence microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 9, pp. 2304-2311, 2018. (Download PDF)
[19] M. Li, S. Sun, B. Li, H. Asghari, Y. Deng, W. Li and N. Zhu, “Time-bandwidth compression of microwave signals,” Optics Express, vol. 26, pp. 990-999, 2018. (Download PDF)
[18] F. Xia, D. Sinefeld, B. Li and C. Xu, Two-photon Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor,” Optics Letters, vol. 42, pp. 1141-1144, 2017. (Download PDF)
[17] B. Li, K. Charan, K. Wang, T. Rojo, D. Sinefeld, and C. Xu, “Nonresonant background suppression for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using a multi-wavelength time-lens source,” Optics Express, vol. 24, pp. 26687-26695, 2016. (Download PDF)
[16] B. Li and J. Azaña, “Theory of Incoherent-Light Temporal Imaging Systems Based on a Temporal Pinhole,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, pp. 2758-2773, 2016. (Download PDF)
[15] B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “High-contrast linear optical pulse compression using a temporal hologram,” Optics Express, vol. 23, pp. 6833-6845, 2015. (Download PDF)
[14] B. Li and J. Azaña, “Temporal Imaging of Incoherent-Light Intensity Waveforms Based on a Gated Time-Lens System,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 7, pp. 1-8, 2015. (Download PDF)
[13] B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light temporal imaging based on a temporal pinspeck,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 27, pp. 348-351, 2015. (Download PDF)
[12] B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Implementation of the photonic time-stretch concept using an incoherent pulsed light source,” Appl. Opt., 54(10), pp. 2757-2761, 2015. (Download PDF)
[11] B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Novel Temporal Zone Plate Designs with Improved Energy Efficiency and Noise Performance,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(24), pp. 4201-4207, 2014. (Download PDF)
[10] B. Li and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light temporal imaging of intensity waveforms,” Optics & Photonics News, Year in optics, p. 33, 2014. (Download PDF)
[9] B. Li and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light temporal stretching of high-speed intensity waveforms,” Optics Letters, 39(14), pp. 4243-4246, 2014. (Download PDF)
[8] S. Chang, S. Lou, B. Li, and B. Han, “Parametric modulation to extend the aperture of the time lens based on electro-optics modulation”, Acta. Opt. Sin., pp. 65-70, 2014. (Download PDF)
[7] B. Li, M. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Linear optical pulse compression based on temporal zone plates,” Optics Express, 21(14), pp. 16814-16830, 2013. (Download PDF)
[6] B. Li and S. Lou, “Elimination of Aberrations Due to High-Order Terms in Systems Based on Linear Time Lenses,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31(13), pp. 2200-2206, 2013. (Download PDF)
[5] B. Li and S. Lou, “Time-frequency conversion, temporal filtering and temporal imaging using graded-index time-lenses,” Optics Letters, 37(19), pp. 3981-3983, 2012. (Download PDF)
[4] B. Li, S. Lou, and Z. Tan, “Two kinds of optical pulse compression approaches based on cross phase modulation,” Acta Physica Sinica, 61(19), 194203, 2012. (Download PDF)
[3] B. Li, Z. Tan, and X. Zhang, “Simulation and analysis of time lens using cross phase modulation and four-wave mixing,” Acta Physica Sinica, 61(1), 014203, 2012. (Download PDF)
[2] X. Zhang, Z. Tan, B. Li, and X. Sheng, “An optical-to-analog conversion technique based on temporal magnification,” Optical Fiber & Electric Cable and Their Applications, 6, 26-29, 2011.
[1] B. Li, Z. Tan, and X. Zhang, “Experiment and simulation of time lens using electro-optic phase modulation and cross phase modulation,” Acta Physica Sinica, 60(8), 084204, 2011. (Download PDF)
[18] B. Li, C. Wu, M. Wang, K. Charan, and C. Xu, “Video-rate three-photon imaging of awake mouse brain,” CLEO (OSA), JW3P.3, 2020.
[17] B. Li, C. Wu, M. Wang, K. Charan, and C. Xu, “High-speed, large field-of-view and deep imaging with an adaptive excitation source,” SPIE Photonic West (SPIE), 112442L, 2020. (Download PDF)
[16] B. Li, C. Wu, M. Wang, K. Charan, and C. Xu, “An adaptive excitation source for multiphoton imaging,” Junior Scientist Workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy, Janelia/HHMI, 2019. (Download PDF)
[15] Y. Qin, B. Li, F. Xia, Y. Xia, and C. Xu, “Time-lens based multi-color background-free coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy,” SPIE Photonic West (SPIE), 108901U, 2019. (Download PDF)
[14] F. Xia, C. Wu, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, Y. Qin, and C. Xu, “In vivo label-free confocal imaging of adult mouse brain up to 1.3-mm depth with NIR-II illumination,” SPIE Photonic West (SPIE), 1086504, 2019. (Download PDF)
[13] B. Li, M. Wang, C. Wu, K. Charan, and C. Xu, “An adaptive excitation source for multiphoton imaging,” CLEO (OSA), JTh5C.5, 2018. (Download PDF) (Postdeadline paper)
[12] M. Wang, C. Wu, B. Li, F. Xia, D. Sinefeld, and C. Xu, “Comparison of excitation wavelengths for in vivo deep imaging of mouse brain,” SPIE Photonic West (SPIE), 104982A, 2018. (Download PDF)
[11] M. Wang, T. Wang, C. Wu, B. Li, D. G. Ouzounov, D. Sinefeld, A. Guru, H. Nam, M. R. Capecchi, M. R. Warden, and C. Xu, “In vivo three-photon imaging of deep cerebellum,” SPIE Photonic West (SPIE), 1049816, 2018. (Download PDF)
[10] F. Xia, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, and C. Xu, “A Two-Photon Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor for The Near-Infrared Wavelength,” CLEO (OSA), SM2M.7, 2017. (Download PDF)
[9] B. Li, M. Wang, and C. Xu, “Generation of high-pulse energy, wavelength-tunable, femtosecond pulse at 1600-2520 nm and its second-harmonic for multiphoton imaging,” CLEO (OSA), ATu3B.3, 2017. (Download PDF) (Invited talk)
[8] B. Li, K. Charan, K. Wang, D. Sinefeld, and C. Xu, “Multi-wavelength time-lens source and its application to nonresonant background suppression for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy,” SPIE Photonic West (SPIE), 100690Y, 2017. (Download PDF)
[7] B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light temporal compression of microwave signals using a ‘time-domain eye’system,” OEDI (OSA), OT2B.4, 2015. (Download PDF)
[6] B. Li and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-light implementation of the photonic time stretch concept,” CLEO (OSA), JW2A.69, 2015. (Download PDF)
[5] J. Azana and B. Li, “Incoherent-light temporal imaging of high-speed, long-duration microwave signals,” ICOCN (IEEE), 1-3, 2015. (Download PDF) (Invited talk)
[4] B. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Novel temporal zone plate design with improved energy efficiency and noise performance,” IPC (IEEE), WA3.4, 2014. (Download PDF)
[3] B. Li and J. Azaña, “Incoherent-Light Temporal Imaging,” IPC (IEEE), WA3.3, 2014. (Download PDF)
[2] B. Li, M. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Temporal phase zone plates for linear optical pulse compression,” CLEO (OSA), JTh2A.21, 2013. (Download PDF)
[1] B. Li, M. Li, S. Lou, and J. Azaña, “Linear time-lens techniques based on intensity modulation,” CLEO (OSA), CTu3J.4, 2013. (Download PDF)
[1] US patent: Chris Xu (43%*), Kriti Charan (10%), Bo Li (43%), Michael Buttolph (4%), "Adaptive illumination apparatus, method, and applications", US20200069233A1, 2020. (Download PDF) (*: contribution and inventor shares, Download PDF)