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3 BOE papers are top downloaded in 2018

Paper 1:

M. Wang, C. Wu, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, F. Xia and C. Xu, “Comparing the effective attenuation lengths for long wavelength in vivo imaging of the mouse brain,” Bio. Opt. Express, vol. 9, pp. 3534-3543 2018.

Paper 2:

K. Charan, B. Li, M. Wang, C. P. Lin and C. Xu, “Fiber-based tunable repetition rate source for deep tissue two-photon fluorescence microscopy,” Bio. Opt. Express, vol. 9, pp. 2304-2311 2018.

Paper 3:

F. Xia, C. Wu, D. Sinefeld, B. Li, Y. Qin and C. Xu, “In vivo label-free confocal imaging of the deep mouse brain with long-wavelength illumination,” Bio. Opt. Express, vol. 9, pp. 6545-6555 2018.

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